Kristine Grant

I write what your heart truly want to say.

The RelationSHIFT Shift into The Higher Frequency of Love & Re-ignite the Spark in Your Relationship Are you ready to radically transform your marriage or partnership?

Connection: we ALL crave it!

We look for connection & love through family and friends. But most often, we expect to find the most connection in our intimate relationships.

When we don’t find the connection we crave, we end up feeling isolated, misunderstood, and alone.

Those negative emotions lead to arguments, frustration, and unhappiness. They leave us struggling for the right words to say. Or worse – we stop communicating at all.

At its core, communication in relationships is about connecting – about using your verbal, written, and physical skills to express your own needs and fulfilling those of your partner.

Without healthy communication there can be no connection. And without connection there can be no love or intimacy.

In a very real way…

Your Communication is Your Relationship

Many of us struggle to express our truth from a place of love. If this sounds familiar to you, rest assured that you’re not alone in this!

Too often, when there is confusion or overwhelm, we may stumble or fumble in order to figure out just how to move through our pain, repair the damage, or regain the love in our relationship, or even in ourselves…
But when we’re able to convey what is truly in our hearts – it will be heard, often causing radical shifts in our lives and relationships.

Communication is key for resolving any matter of the heart…

If done well, we find much deeper levels of understanding, connection, and intimacy in our relationships – with a greater sense of love, joy, and warmth!

But how do we communicate from a place of love and compassion?

Especially when emotions easily get tense in conversations with our partner?!

What if you could deliver a heartfelt, inspired, and valuable message to your partner that communicates your truth from a place of love and compassion – truly creating a lasting positive shift in your relationship?

What if – instead of worrying, dreading, or tolerating any sort of relationship difficulty – you could gain REAL clarity and achieve a deeper sense of awareness, create more love, more joy, and real contentment?

What If You Could Effortlessly Communicate with Love & Compassion, Reclaim Your Heart and Radically Transform Your Life & Relationship?

Are you tired of the drama? Are you done with the negative feelings of loneliness, confusion, powerlessness, and regret? Do you suffer from relationship fatigue? Have you and your partner slipped into a rather drab, ho-hum, predictable, or simply dull routine? Are you done with feeling unappreciated? Are you hanging onto old resentments, regrets, or confusion that keeps real intimacy at bay? Have you lost the passion and attraction for your partner or feel he/she is no longer “turned on” by you? Do you feel misunderstood, dishonored, ignored, or lonely in your marriage or partnership? Would you like to tap into a higher frequency to find MORE JOY, MORE LOVE, and permanently shift into a deeper sense of connection in your relationship? If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, then I have the perfect solution for you! If you dare to really transform your marriage or partnership, this process is for you! If you yearn to truly cause a radical shift in your relationship, this is it! What are you waiting for? Let’s create some magic! Let’s take your relationship from heartache to pure joy!


How to Write the Words You Really Want to Say

Are you tired of the drama? Are you done with the negative feelings of loneliness, confusion, powerlessness, and regret? Do you suffer from relationship fatigue? Have you and your partner slipped into a rather drab, ho-hum, predictable, or simply dull routine? Are you done with feeling unappreciated? Are you hanging onto old resentments, regrets, or confusion that keeps real intimacy at bay? Have you lost the passion and attraction for your partner or feel he/she is no longer “turned on” by you? Do you feel misunderstood, dishonored, ignored, or lonely in your marriage or partnership? Would you like to tap into a higher frequency to find MORE JOY, MORE LOVE, and permanently shift into a deeper sense of connection in your relationship? If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, then I have the perfect solution for you! If you dare to really transform your marriage or partnership, this process is for you! If you yearn to truly cause a radical shift in your relationship, this is it! What are you waiting for? Let’s create some magic! Let’s take your relationship from heartache to pure joy!


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Since she wrote and read me the letter, I have never chosen that type of relationship again. I have been able to recognize the signs and I feel so much more empowered to choose differently. I have fallen in love with a wonderful guy.
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I see the evidence of Kristine’s beautiful gift in myself and my family every day. With Kristine’s amazing and brilliant compassion, intuitiveness, and pragmatic approaches, she helped me transform the painful parts of my life into the source of my current happiness
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Without this letter, I saw no way of breaking—truly breaking—the ice and to start to heal the rift that has evolved between the two of us. The letter Kristine wrote for me on my behalf to my son was poignant, to the point, and could have not been more to the point of what I wanted to say but could not express in my own words.
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My desire to make changes in my life started immediately: I got a personal trainer, got a job transfer, and traveled to a couple foreign countries all by myself. It was as if life was put back into my body that I had not felt in a very long time.
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My life has been blessed with the introduction to Kristine. My tears of relief at her incredible letter she has written for my divorce only rival the cleansing rain we are having without a doubt
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I had the most profound experience when I was guided to write a meaningful letter to my dad. The results allowed us to connect in a deeper way than we had ever really experienced before.
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A couple years ago, I was in a long-term, painful relationship. Kristine wrote an Inspired Heart Letter that I gave to my ex upon our breakup. All I can say is after reading the letter I felt a huge sense of relief.
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Kristine captures the heart of what someone wants to say, yet they are unable to say it so eloquently. Kristine has an intuitive gift for writing. She is amazing at zeroing in on the root of a situation.

The RelationSHIFT Shift into The Higher Frequency of Love & Re-ignite the Spark in Your Relationship

Words are like magic wands. They create frequencies that cause powerful shifts. This program is truly unique – it brings back the powerful lost art of the love letter. Imagine not only delivering a heartfelt, inspired, and valuable message to your partner that communicates your truth from a place of love and compassion, but one that your significant other can re-read and contemplate upon whenever they want! This extraordinary program by Kristine Grant will help you find the right way to solve ANY sort of relationship challenge PERMANENTLY. Whether it is to repair or enhance your love life, move past blockages that stop you from expressing your heart’s desire… Kristine’s Relationshift Process will allow you to finally navigate your way with clarity, grace, love, and truth. If you follow her guidance, in just 21 days you will create a compelling “Inspired Heart” Love Letter that will cause a massive shift in your life. Allow Kristina to gently guide you through this remarkable process and share the most powerful steps for creating your Inspired Heart Letter; one that you and your partner will cherish forever!

Here are just a few of 100s of stories of people who have shifted their relationship from heartache to joy!

 Adam Snider
Adam Snider
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“Kristine helped me re-examine what I thought about my relationship and interactions with my girlfriend!” “Kristine Grant is a fantastic letter writer. In my case, she helped me to express my thoughts and feelings via a letter written to my girlfriend. I thought her interview process was thorough and, in a way, it had me re-examine what I thought about my relationship and interactions with my girlfriend. For anyone needing a relationship letter (whether it’s for starting or ending), thanking someone, a condolence, and so forth, Kristine’s skills at interviewing, writing, and supplying feedback as needed make her service indispensable for those of us wanting to express ourselves in more meaningful ways that do make a difference in our experience.”
Rich German, Author and Co-Founder, JV Insider Circle
Rich German, Author and Co-Founder, JV Insider Circle
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“The results of my letter allowed me to connect with my dad in a deeper way!” “I had the most profound experience when I was guided to write a meaningful letter to my dad. The results allowed us to connect in a deeper way than we had ever really experienced before. Letter writing is a tremendously helpful way to heal any type of relationship difficulty. Kristine is the “real deal.” I highly recommend her letter writing guidance . . . or with her intuition and experience, having her personally write your Inspired Heart Letter for you.”
Tara Hogar
Tara Hogar
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“Tears of relief with Kristine’s incredible letter writing during my divorce!” “My life has been blessed with the introduction to Kristine. My tears of relief at her incredible letter she has written for my divorce only rival the cleansing rain we are having without a doubt.”
Mariana Brown
Mariana Brown
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“After a 15 year unhealthy connection to my ex-husband, Kristine was able to help me break the connection and change my life!” “Rogers and Hammerstein wrote a song in the late forties called “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right out of My Hair” for the play, South Pacific. Sometimes it is not that easy to do, especially when you have had many past lives with a man . . . as in my case. After a bitter divorce that left me penniless, alone, and raising two children on my own, I had an extremely difficult time moving on in life. My ex-husband took me to court on three separate occasions over the course of eight years and it seemed that the connection would never cease. After the third time, I even told his attorney that I didn’t want his money just so I had no further connection to him. Our children suffered terribly in their own ways even after they were grown and moved on to college. After going to psychologists, psychics, holistic health providers, shamans, and the reconnection healing sessions, I still felt an unhealthy sense of connection to this man. Not a love, hate, or anger, but something was preventing me from disseminating myself from this man even after 15 years. However, during this time, I restructured my finances, found a rewarding profession, and got my children through high school and college. It was not until I had Kristine write an Inspired Heart Letter for me that I felt a relief that has stayed with me. I mailed it on 12/12/2012, a day that was symbolic and would never occur again. From that point on the connection has been broken and I could feel it within. Later on, when we met up for activities involving our children, he was obviously different too. My desire to make changes in my life started immediately: I got a personal trainer, got a job transfer, and traveled to a couple foreign countries all by myself. It was as if life was put back into my body that I had not felt in a very long time. It is with great gratitude and love that I write this for all to know that this really worked for me, and, believe me, I tried just about everything. It is my hope that it works as well for you as it did for me.”
 Joel Volsky
Joel Volsky
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“Kristine’s letter started the healing process between me and my son so we could rebuild our relationship!” “I am a professional and have a hard time expressing myself when it comes to my feelings to my family, and this is where it really matters the most. I gave Kristine the facts that were contributing to the rift between my son and myself, which was quite concerning at the time for both of us. I did not want to lose him. Kristine took the time and formulated a wonderful letter, which led to an opening for us to get started and start a healing process between the two of us. Without this letter, I saw no way of breaking—truly breaking—the ice and to start to heal the rift that has evolved between the two of us. The letter Kristine wrote for me on my behalf to my son was poignant, to the point, and could have not been more to the point of what I wanted to say but could not express in my own words. I am not the best communicator. My son knew at once that I did not write the letter but he was touched and glad I made the effort. The letter opened up the healing process that has taken time to heal, but it had taken a long time to develop the rift that was getting big between the two of us. Thanks again, Kristine, for being there and helping start the rebuilding of my relationship with my son and my family.”
Susan D.
Susan D.
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“Kristine’s letter writing was a truly pivotal point, a life changing experience, an epiphany for my heart and soul.” “Kristine wrote a letter for me when I was emotionally “stuck” in a relationship that was not healthy for me. She was able to capture the essence of our relationship and the underlying reasons we were not meant to be together. I had known this man since I was 14 and after two marriages, we ran into each at the age of 50. Our patterns at 14 were the same as they were at 50. Once Kristine wrote the letter, and then read it to me, I was set free and had such clarity about the patterns I had developed within this relationship that followed me into all my other relationships. Since she wrote and read me the letter, I have never chosen that type of relationship again. I have been able to recognize the signs and I feel so much more empowered to choose differently. It was a truly pivotal point, a life changing experience, an epiphany for my heart and soul. I am happy to mention that I have fallen in love with a wonderful guy.“
 Frank W.
Frank W.
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“Kristine helped me transform the painful parts of my life into the source of my current happiness!” “I see the evidence of Kristine’s beautiful gift in myself and my family every day. With Kristine’s amazing and brilliant compassion, intuitiveness, and pragmatic approaches, she helped me transform the painful parts of my life into the source of my current happiness. With Kristine’s assistance, I became the person I was destined and desired to become. What is so profound about Kristine’s letters are that the benefits are nearly instantaneous! Issues that I have held onto for many years just melted away. Thank you, Kristine!”
Joann Laguens
Joann Laguens
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“It has made a real difference for me to be able to depend on Kristine for any challenging life situations that may arise.” “It is with extreme pleasure that I recommend Kristine Grant for letter writing. Whether it is for a breakup in a relationship, a business letter to a group of doctors, or a eulogy for a parent, these are the three letters Kristine has written for me. It has made a real difference for me to be able to depend on Kristine for any challenging life situations that may arise.”
Joann Laguens
Joann Laguens
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“It has made a real difference for me to be able to depend on Kristine for any challenging life situations that may arise.” “It is with extreme pleasure that I recommend Kristine Grant for letter writing. Whether it is for a breakup in a relationship, a business letter to a group of doctors, or a eulogy for a parent, these are the three letters Kristine has written for me. It has made a real difference for me to be able to depend on Kristine for any challenging life situations that may arise.”
Kip Jerger
Kip Jerger
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“My connection with my sister is so much more compassionate and the letter has allowed us to become much more honest with one another in a truly heartfelt way.” “My sister and I had a very hurtful falling out. She essentially closed the door in my face after I expressed my concerns regarding her lifestyle etc. She is my “baby sister” and lives in another country. During these fragile times where there is so much separation, I really wanted to help her, yet I was pushed away. I tried so many times to convince her that she was making bad choices, but my words went unheard. I worried about her and felt like she resented me for it. Fortunately, I contacted Kristine Grant. After interviewing me, surprisingly, she quickly determined or just somehow knew the actual dynamics that were playing out. She saw my underlying need to protect my sister…when actually, I never felt that someone had my back growing up. I see the childhood wounds were swept under the carpet. This Inspired Heart Letter process truly helped me to shake off old emotional debris and the letter was a soothing relief for my sister. It continues to feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. My connection with my sister is so much more compassionate and the letter has allowed us to become much more honest with one another in a truly heartfelt way. If you want to release the old burdens and find more joy, let Kristine guide you through her amazing letters. My sister will always have my letter… and that touches my heart.“

Why Kristine Is Unique?

Kristine is the author of ‘Relationshift – How to Write the Words You Really Want to Say’ – a book that has been endorsed by bestselling authors, John Gray, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Arielle Ford, and Christiane Northrup, MD.

She is a Relationship Expert who has worked with 1000s of couples struggling with a wide variety of relational difficulties. She has over 23 years of experience as a licensed marriage & family therapist. She is a motivational speaker, award winning author, singer and songwriter.

Her uniquely transformative process for ghostwriting many hundreds of “Inspired Heart” letters for clients over the span of sixteen years, is a highly intuitive intervention that moves beyond the realm of psychotherapy. She will be able to guide you through this process OR write a letter FOR you!

Kristine’s extensive experience has changed the lives of many, MANY couples and individuals, and have earned her appearances on numerous radio and television shows, including CBS, ABC, FOX, and the CW Network. If you have been seeking to end the relationship issues you’ve been having – seek no more!

From the moment you say ‘YES’ to this package you will already notice how the energies and frequencies around you are changing – this will be immediately noticeable!

Here’s Some More Stories from Kristine’s Countless Satisfied Clients

 Karen Schneider
Karen Schneider
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“This process often is life changing for both the sender and the receiver of The Letter!” “Kristine Rose Grant is a master of intuitive writing. She can easily dissect in her mind the deeper layers of a client’s need for her writing a letter. The different reactions from this gift of words range from relief, healing, understanding, completion, joy, and gratitude. This process often is life changing for both the sender and the receiver of The Letter.”
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“My sons have started to warm up to me since Kristine’s letter!” “Kristine has helped me so much. I wasn’t the mom and daughter I wish I could have been. I was repeating the only thing I knew: an icy standoff with the very people I loved. So, before Kristine’s help, my three grown sons were barely speaking to me, and my mom and I had difficulty being in the same room together. After years of therapy and rebuilding my life, I wanted some way to reach out to let them know how much having a connection with them would mean to me. Kristine wrote my sons loving, heartfelt letters expressing the genuine love and heartache I felt. She wrote a beautiful eulogy I read at my mom’s funeral that came straight from my own heart, using my thoughts written by Kristine. She has a gift and skill to express exactly how I feel on paper. My sons have started to warm up to me and though my mom isn’t in physical form, I feel her loving presence every day. Thank you, Kristine.”
 Kim L. Hartz
Kim L. Hartz
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“Kristine has the uncanny ability to get to the essence of what really needs attention in a relationship!” “Kristine Grant has a gift with words—not only in her speaking ability, but with her words on paper. She is mighty with the pen. Not only does Kristine write letters from the heart that help people reconnect with each other on a level that transcends the ego and having to be right, but she has an uncanny ability to get to the essence of what really needs attention in a relationship. Whether the disconnect has occurred between a man and woman, a mother and daughter, or father and son . . . the relationship does not seem to matter. As Kristine taps into our real connection, she is then able to put pen to paper and put into words a heartfelt communication that both can feel, and their sense of the trueness of their relationship comes into their presence. Kris has a gift which all can receive. Thank you, Kristine, for your years of friendship and so many beautiful words.”